12th April 2021
Hi all!
Hope you are well!
As you know, unless something happens, we are due to reopen on 12th April after long Tier4 + national lockdown.
We can't wait to see you again!
It will be nearly 4month we will have been closing, so I am sure everyone's hair is pretty long and we have lots of work to do (finally!)
Me and Naoko's schedule are as below;
Ryoko is in on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Naoko is in on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
The first week's appointments are filling up fast, so please contact us if you would like to book an appointment.
You can reach me via email (mail@mosaiquehair.com) and LINE app (ID; @xsn7050n).
We are looking forward to seeing you again next month!
ryoco nakai
つきましては、メール(mail@mosaiquehair.com)かLINE(ID; @xsn7050n)でご予約承っておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。
リョウコ 月、水、木、金、土曜日
ナオコ 火、木、土曜日